• 1. 工作狂Workaholic
• 2. 好好先生/好好小姐Yes man/Yes woman
• 3. 爱八卦/爱管闲事Gossipy/Nosy
• 4. 爱抱怨的人Naysayer/Moaner (发牢骚:Whine about)
• 5. 推卸责任Point the finger at sb.
• 6. 混水摸鱼等下班Slack off / Goof off
• 7. 吹毛求疵Nitpick (nal / fusy 爱计较、挑剔的)
• 8. 只出一张嘴(发号施令) Boss around / Push around
• 9. 说话不算话Go back on one’s word
• 10. 抢功劳Take credit / Steal one’s thunder
• 11. 墙头草Fence-sitter
• 12. 马屁精Ass-kisser / Brown-noser
• 13. 逃避责任Shirk one’s obligations / responsibilities / duties
• 14. 自以为是的人Smart-ass
• 15. 双面人Two-faced person
Susan’s father is a workaholic , he barely spends any time with his family.苏珊的爸爸是个工作狂,他很少和他的家人们相处。
另外,在英文中若是看到以**-holic结尾的单字,意思就是「…狂/痴」,例如alcoholic** (酒鬼)、shopaholic (购物狂),至于爱阅读成痴的「书虫」,我们则可以用bookaholic来表示。
Being a yes man does not do John any good because his workload is always heavier than the rest of us.做好好先生对约翰一点好处都没有,因为他的工作量总是比我们其他人繁重。
Nancy from the Accounting Department is so gossipy . She should learn to mind her own business.会计部门的南西很爱八卦,她应该学会管好自己的事。
His endless whining is so irritating!他无止尽的抱怨叫人很厌烦!
The meeting was torturing. I had to endure Kim’s team pointing fingers at us , even though it was them who screwed up the campaign.
Did you notice that Larry is slacking off ? He has gone to the restroom five times this afternoon.
你有发现赖瑞在摸鱼吗?他这个下午已经去上了5 次厕所。
(nal / fusy 爱计较、挑剔的)
The meeting was extended for an hour because the client was nitpicking on document wordings.
Boss around / Push around
Poor Mary, her younger brother Andrew always bosses her around whenever the adults are absent.
I didn’t trust Bill when he said he would make it up to me for the last-minute shift change. He has a record of going back on his words .
I can’t believe Stan took my credit by telling everyone the project was his idea.
I don’t think Janet’s opinion is valuable. After all, She is a fence-sitter .
I’ve worked here for a long time, but last week my company decided to promote Henry the ass-kisser instead. I think it’s a sign for me to leave.
Shirk one’s obligations / responsibilities / duties
Ken, as the night shift, you’re supposed to turn off the lights before you leave. We feel that you’re shirking your obligations .
Sara should keep her opinions to herself. I don’t need a smart-ass to lecture me on how to do my job.
Wilson snitched on me last week, then offered me to drink on the same day. He is such a two-faced person .
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