

在英语中,“这么巧啊”可以表达为 “What a coincidence!” 或 “How coincidental!”。


What a Coincidence: The Serendipity in Life

In English, “这么巧啊” can be expressed as “What a coincidence!” or “How coincidental!”

This phrase is used to convey surprise and delight when two or more seemingly unrelated things unexpectedly connect.


A: “I can’t believe you’re here! I was just thinking about you.”

A: “真不敢相信你在这里!我刚刚还想起你。”

B: “What a coincidence! I was just about to call you.”

B: “太巧了!我正打算给你打电话。”

A: “I was just reading a book about ancient Egypt, and then I saw a documentary on the same topic.”

A: “我刚刚在读一本关于古埃及的书,然后我就看到了同一个主题的纪录片。”

B: “How coincidental! It seems like you’re meant to learn more about it.”

B: “这也太巧了!看来你注定要更深入地了解古埃及。”


Tom: “Hey, Sarah! Fancy seeing you here at the coffee shop.”


Sarah: “Tom, is that you? What a coincidence! I thought you were in New York.”


Tom: “Yeah, I just got back last night. How have you been?”


Sarah: “I’ve been great, thanks. What brings you here?”


Tom: “I needed a break from work, and I love their coffee. What about you?”


Sarah: “Same here. Their lattes are the best. It’s so nice to catch up like this.”




On a sunny weekend, Li Ming decided to take a walk in the park.

As soon as he entered the park, he ran into his college classmate, Zhang Wei.

They hadn’t seen each other for several years.


Li Ming said in surprise, “Zhang Wei, is that you? What a coincidence!”Zhang Wei was also very surprised, “Li Ming, it really is you! I was just about to call you.”


They sat down and began reminiscing about their college days. Li Ming mentioned that he had been researching artificial intelligence recently, and Zhang Wei shared that he had been working at a tech company. They were surprised to find that, despite choosing different career paths, they both worked in the field of technology.


Li Ming said, “This is really a coincidence. We’re actually working in the same field.”Zhang Wei replied, “Yes, the world is so small. We should keep in touch more often. Maybe we can help each other in our work.”


Their conversation lasted for hours until the sun began to set. They exchanged contact information and agreed to meet again.


This chance encounter made them realize that coincidences in life can sometimes bring unexpected opportunities and connections. They decided to cherish this reunion and look forward to possible future collaborations.




Coincidences are everywhere in life, and they can be simple encounters or deeper connections.

Whether it’s a chance meeting in the park or a coincidence at work, these little surprises can bring color and joy to our lives. Let us keep an open mind to discover and appreciate every coincidence in life.

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